receiving set

英 [rɪˈsiːvɪŋ set] 美 [rɪˈsiːvɪŋ set]

网络  受信器; 接收机



  1. The magic of these businesses is that a customer provides their own data in exchange for receiving a more robust set of aggregated data back that provides insight into the broader marketplace, or provides a vehicle for expressing a view.
  2. Participants were asked to predict the weather after receiving a repeated set of cues.
  3. Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degree and set smaller monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow them to reach that deadline.
  4. With this step, the AUTO receiving mode is set.
  5. Receiving institutions often complain that donors set research agendas that match their own interests, rather than addressing local problems.
  6. An electromagnetic field can also induce motion in charged panicles, which is what happens when the electromagnetic field of a distant transmitter moves past the antenna of receiving set.
  7. Therefore, in addition to setting receiving message size restrictions, you can also set sending message size restrictions.
  8. The receiving operator wrote the received encrypted message, set his Enigma machine to the same pre-defined combination, and then typed the message at the machine's keyboard.
  9. US-based centres are also receiving funding to set up partnerships with developing countries.
  10. In making the radio waves corre ond to each sound in turn, me ages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set.
  11. Over time, we will attempt to incrementally tune the electronic circuits of our receiving station, to try to "set the controls for the heart of the sun".
  12. Keys: 1.On receiving the assignment, we immediately set to work.
  13. It has not been made explicit how much, but the 9 per cent tier one ratios of those banks that are receiving government capital appears to set a new minimum benchmark.
  14. Clients receiving treatment, the Hippeastrum, its set to the desired pot.
  15. The television viewer pays no tax or charges for receiving programs on his set.
  16. The Creative Imagination is the "receiving set" of the brain, which receives thoughts, released by the brains of others.
  17. The task communication cost used for receiving and sending a data set depended on the assignments of other tasks, so the mean estimate was needed to be introduced into the task communication cost when the assignments of related tasks were not completed yet.
  18. A pilot study is showed with the principium of sending set and receiving set for non-wires remote control and with direct current motor's both direction control with H-bridge.
  19. Analysis and Design of Low Noise Information Receiving Circuits of a Laser Set Fuze
  20. Then ca-core and the process of integrating ca software, receiving B-mail and watching IPPV with set top box are illuminated.
  21. Modification and improvement of the wt-1a weather Sat. image receiving set
  22. Wireless transmission of shape signals, which transmit signals from inside the measuring roller to the outside receiving set by infrared, is implemented by the design of dynamic measurement device and dynamic measurement circuit, which overcomes a lot of shortcomings caused by slip-ring devices used before.
  23. Serial communication between GPS receiving set and pocketPC based on windows CE
  24. This article introduced the serial connection methods of Pocket PC and GPS receiver set and Windows CE serial communication essential knowledge briefly. It also described detailedly how to make use of API function to realize serial communication between GPS receiving set and Pocket PC.
  25. This paper mainly introduces the principle of intermediate frequency digital receiving set based on software defined radio structure, including the designment of software and hardware, divided into AD and digital signal processing.
  26. In consideration of the site selection of a satellite ground receiving station, a set of rules of allowable electromagnetic interference ( EMI) levels is proposed in this paper.
  27. The natural phenomena and laws of sun-noise interference which can interrupt the receiving signal of communication broadcast satellite television receiving station are set forth in this article.
  28. Output of food intake controlling signals: control information receiving of monitoring set, switch controlling of gate, feeding hopper, feedstuff delivering set.
  29. According to need of the laser set fuze with low noise, high gain, low power dissipation and small volume, information receiving circuits of the laser set fuze was analyzed and a preamplifier circuit was designed.



  1. an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals

      Synonym:    radio receiverradio setradiotunerwireless